In 2002 Brian Pedersen established U3S as a sole proprietorship devoted to quality, custom-made stainless-steel tanks and equipment. After his education as a smith under the danish education system, he took extra courses to be certified as “Expert for pressure plants by Danish Factories Inspectorate” and “Designer for pressure tanks”
He has got several welding and inspection certificates and courses in stress and corrosion in stainless tanks, dye testing, surface treatment of stainless steel, OHS (Occupational Health & Safety), WHS (Workplace Health & Safety) and CE marking.
Brian started his work life as welder and fitter at a local Danish company manufacturing stainless steel equipment for dairy plants. He worked in APV Tank for 6 years as tank manufacturer, specialized in pressure tanks and equipment, working worldwide with warranty issues and solutions.

In 1998 he started a joint venture that was mainly providing stainless steel solutions for APV. This joint venture inspired him to start on his own in order to continue providing custom made solutions to his customers, which involve consulting, manufacturing and 3D-drawings.
Many things have changed since 1998, but the keywords are still the same.
Brian is completely objective in his quality inspections and evaluation. This, combined with his wide experience and expertise in tank building, makes him highly qualified in providing the best solution regarding design, construction, manufacturing and finally installation with quality inspection in every project U3S is involved in.